How to Use Mica Powder for Glass Decoration?

Sometimes, you just need a little pixie dust to make your glass art look magical. It’s time to create some beautiful pieces using the Mica powder. For those who don’t know, Mica is a sparkling powder used to decorate fused glass.
Decorating a piece of glass is not as simple as sprinkling ordinary sparkles as Mica powder has a very light effect on the glass. There is a process you need to follow and precautions to undertake while using Mica powder.
In this blog, we will uncover the right way of using mica powder for glass art and the various art glass supplies you may need in the process.
So, now let’s start creating a beautiful masterpiece.

Key Supplies You Need

Here is a list of art glass supplies you need to shop for
  • Masking tape or painter’s tape
  • A roller with carved designs
  • Black glass enamel
  • A piece of clear glass
  • 2 strips of coloured glass for making a border
  • Coloured glass for the center
  • Mica powder
  • Face mask to prevent dust

The Process of Using Mica Powder in Art Glass Projects

  • Take a glass piece and paste the painter’s tape on two opposite sides.
  • Pour out sufficient enamel on any piece of glass to coat the carved roller entirely.
Important Tip: Ensure that the paint or enamel you use on glass is not quick-drying. It is advised to use screen-printing paints as they are long-lasting.
  • Coat the carved roller on the glass which has enamel.
  • Roll it a couple of times on the glass to get the paint on all the carvings evenly.
  • Add more enamel or paint, subsequently as required.
  • In a single attempt, work out the coated roller on the taped glass starting from one edge.
Remember: Do not use it back-and-forth while painting as this will spoil the actual design. While taping the glass, make sure the unmasked area is exactly the same width as the roller. So, the design is painted neatly.
  • Wear your face mask before dusting the mica powder.
  • Dust the mica evenly over the painted area. It is on you to use one color of mica or more than that.
  • After sprinkling the mica properly, unmask the tapes slowly.
  • Tap the glass gently on the surface to remove excess mica which is not stuck to the paint.
Suggestion: If you keep a clean sheet beneath the glass, you can use the remaining dusted-off mica in another project.
  • Once again thoroughly remove the excess mica from the glass surface by blowing or tapping.
  • Finally, you get nice and evenly painted glass.
  • Now it’s time for the other three glass pieces to come into play.
  • Keep the glass strips and black glass on a sheet in the kiln.
  • Place the mica-coated glass (painted side up) on these glass pieces.
  • While placing the glass, ensure that there is no chance of air bubble formation.
  • Start with the glass fire fusing process using the right schedule.
  • Once the fusing is completed, clean the glass and slump it.

Well Done With Your Masterpiece!

We hope the information given in this blog helps you with your art projects. All you need is a good-quality mica colour powder. You can make your glass painting more classic and beautiful with this magical powder.
Making a perfect mica painting can be challenging as the dust may create a mess. But, there is nothing a little practice, right material, and techniques can’t do for you.
Also, do not forget to exercise safety measures to avoid dust allergy, cuts from glass edges, and burns from glass fusing.
Visit art glass supplies and discover all the supplies you need for glass art projects.

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