Crinklized Dichroic

Crinklized Dichroic

A New Dichroic Coating Product

from Coatings By Sandberg, Inc.

 Original CBS Dichroic is tried and true and known to fuse with a smooth finish.

Our new Crinklized Dichroic™  is the exact opposite- fusing rough with a brilliantly colored course texture.  When fusing with the coating exposed or capped, the dichroic surface crinkles and crystallizes profusely sending thousands of miniature crystalline-like mirrors upward, positioning themselves in different directions.  Each minute dichroic surface attracts the light and sends it out in every direction, while the dichroic crystals remain bonded to the surface of the glass exactly like our CBS original product.   

The new coating is made of extremely thick crystal layers that are the key to the effects that we achieve from fusing the Crinklized Dichroic™.  For over the past five years now, these new proprietary dichroic coatings have been investigated, developed and tested, and are now available to the eager artist. 

Tips for Using Our New Crinklized Dichroic™: 

  • Crinklized Dichroic™  is MADE to be left exposed.  The intrinsic nature of this new coating is much more exaggerated when the coating is allowed to push upwards and crinkle, crystallize and curl.
  • Many of the Crinklized sheets appear to have an unusual reflective color prior to hotworking, especially when the coating is viewed from the back side of a clear sheet.  This all fires away to reveal the same brilliant CBS Dichroic colors that everyone expects.
  • Expect similar predictable color shifts when hotworking the new Crinklized Dichroic™ as with CBS original coatings.
  • “Fire it hot”- For maximum effect, fuse the Crinklized Dichroic™ Coating to a peak temperature around 1475 degrees Fahrenheit for 90 COE glass.  (Not applicable to lampworkers and furnace workers)
  • This crinkled and crystallized effect is maximized when we coat a smooth glass surface. Crinklized Dichroic™ coatings can be ordered on specialty glass or textured glass such as Ripple, Fibroid, Reed, and others, but the crinkled and crystallized effect is less dramatic.
  • All colors are “Premium” in price as we use the purest materials available at a price that cost us three times higher than our original coatings and coating times are much more lengthy as well.

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