ArtGlassSupplies.com28 Daniel Plummer Rd, Unit 5
Goffstown, NH 03045, USA
(888) 213-8588 or(888) 213-8588 or
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Art Glass Supplies is a well-respected company that specializes in the supply and distribution of Olympic Kilns. This manufacturer has been around for over 40 years and has an outstanding reputation for producing quality kilns for a large market. The variety of shapes, sizes and features makes it easy for everyone to find that perfect kiln. Olympic Kilns offers the very best in electric and gas glass firing kilns. In this collection, you'll see a large variety of kilns. These kilns are designed to be heavy duty and long lasting. These kilns are classified as high-end performing machines and they have been styled to meet multiple-sized piece requirements. We have a kiln to suit every need. Choose from our huge selection of Olympic Kilns. Browse this collection to find the perfect kiln for you!
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